All our products and services are connected to our PayDesk processing platform accessible from a dedicated back-office and suite of API, according to the specifics of each project
  • Commercial management, statistical tools and exports;
  • Customer management, accounts, payment methods and reloading options;
  • Product configuration, monitoring rules, groups (fees, limits, restrictions, etc);
  • Invoice management;
  • Reconciliation, regulatory frameworks, clearing, reporting and settlement;
  • Chargeback management;
  • User rights configuration.
Business management from A to Z

The back-office access possesses a dual function:

  • Providing our customers in real time with detailed information on the status of their products, as well as tools enabling them to easily change their settings;
  • And enabling the customer service to optimally manage the relationship with the users.

All user operations conducted on the platform and those of their individual and business customers are recorded, dated and annotated, for a complete audit of each transaction and operation.

The advanced rights management settings ensure that each user will only have access to the functions they need. Managers can create new users on the fly very simply, with shared or unique privileges for each profile.

In order to minimise human administration time and manual operations, automation is the cornerstone of an efficient electronic banking back office. Therefore, a large number of functions have been automated, such as:

  • Accounts/payment means creations and batch deposits;
  • SMS and email notifications;
  • Detailed statistics, reports and analysis (sales, activations, turnover, user profiles, etc);
  • Deposits, receipts and transfers (debit/credit card, transfers, vouchers, etc);
  • Clearing, reporting and settlement;
  • Verification of identity documents KYC/KYB;
  • Invoicing
  • Account opening and payment method and product orders;
  • The various internal alerts (antifraud, monitoring…).

Several APIs are available and are fully modular, allowing any process to be used for quick and easy integration into your technical system.

Our electronic banking platform can be delivered in SaaS, white-labelled and completely customised to match your company’s brand.

Someone from has opened an account some moments ago